Tuesday, February 14, 2012


CBS Corporation is among the largest media companies in the world and is considered to be one of the most elite media conglomerates there are,(see Concentration of Media Ownership). The company’s focus lies mostly in broadcasting, publishing, and television production. However, it’s also involved in internet and gaming industries, too.  CBS Corp. has grown to be one of the leading media companies in the world, succeeding its former corporation Viacom. While CBS has recently become very successful, though, the company has still undergone both good and bad experiences. Despite some issues, CBS has been subjected to mostly positive feedback from other media, indicating that the company contains more good aspects than it does bad. That being said, I'll be discussing the major successes and problems the company has gone through, and will then discuss the positive and negative feedback it has received through other media sources.

CBS Corporation has an almost never-ending amount of subsidiary companies that have contributed significantly to the corporation’s successes, (see List of Assets Owned By CBS). CBS Radio and Infinity Radio have done wonders for their broadcasting focus, while The Free Press, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books have done a great job boosting their publishing reputation. Perhaps their most powerful and well-known assets, however, are their several television networks. Among the most successful of these networks are CBS, CBS Sports Network, Showtime, and The CW Television Network, (which they own fifty percent of, along with Time Warner). It’s because of these successful subsidiary companies that CBS is ranked in the top five media conglomerates in the world, in terms of revenue. 
The company wasn’t always where it is now, though. In March of 2005, Viacom, the previous syndication of CBS, announced its plan to split the company into two other publicly traded companies. This plan to split the company formed as the result of problems related to the stock price beginning to stagnate. While CBS lost a number of networks previously owned by Viacom, they did manage to retain assets such as CBS, UPN, Infinity Broadcasting, Viacom Outdoor, and Showtime Networks.

The corporation has been subjected to a large amount of consumer feedback in the last few years. While the feedback has been mostly positive, negative remarks have been made, too. The majority of the good feedback has come from viewers of the various television networks CBS owns, as well as those who use the different websites belonging to CBS. CBS Sports’ website, CBSSports.com, even has a form users can fill out to give direct feedback to the site managers. The bad feedback regarding the company has been mostly about consumer criticism on both their political influences and business ethics, (CBS Corp. Criticism).

CBS Corporation is still a very successful company, despite the industrial hardships it has been forced to endure. While the company has received some negative feedback, it has received an even larger amount of positive feedback. Based on the company’s perseverance and reputation with the consumer media, I think we can say that the good aspects of CBS Corp. outweigh the bad. I believe that CBS Corporation will continue to stay in the ranking of the top five media conglomerates in the world. 


  1. I think that media concentration is a very interesting phenomenon. It's amazing how all these companies have succeeded in owning so much of the media, and I despite the glitches of the system, I don't think that they're doing a bad job at all.

  2. Me either! Haha. It was so hard for me to find anything bad about CBS. It took me hours to come up with what I did find.
